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Media Inquiries


For Immediate Release

January 25, 2018

Iqaluit, NU - This week, the Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) will be delivering their made-in-Nunavut, self-advocacy workshop, “Raise Your Voice”, for students at Aqsarniit Middle School in Iqaluit.

TORONTO (November 20, 2017) – Today, as we mark National Child Day, the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) is encouraging federal, provincial and municipal governments, and all Canadians, to remember the fundamental rights of children and youth. The CCCYA is an association of children’s advocates, ombudsman and representatives from across Canada whose mandates include advancing the rights of children and youth. We are all independent officers of our respective legislatures, and we work to address mutual concerns.

Today, the Representative for Children and Youth's Office (RCYO) launched a formal systemic review into the Government of Nunavut's mental health services for young Nunavummiut. This will be the Office's first such review and marks the official launch of its systemic advocacy program.

In 1st systemic review, Nunavut child and youth rep takes aim at mental health

Dear Senator:

The Canadian Council of Child & Youth Advocates is an association of children's provincial and territorial advocates who have mandates to advance the rights of children and youth and to promote their voices. Advocates are all independent officers of the legislature in their respective jurisdictions. Through the Council, we identify areas of mutual concern, and work to develop ways to address issues at a national level.

Nunavut’s Representative for Children and Youth will honour National Child Day this year by participating in the Legislative Assembly’s Biennial Youth Parliament. National Child Day is marked every year on November 20 to recognize the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Canada signing the international treaty.

The RCY’s office held an orientation with its new Elder Advisors this past June in Iqaluit. The life experience and knowledge of Inuit culture and history that our five Elder Advisors have are essential to our work supporting children and youth in Nunavut. 

Our Elder Advisors currently consists of five Elders from across Nunavut. They are: Meeka Arnakaq, Pangnirtung; Lucy Makkigak, Rankin Inlet; Regilee Ootook, Pond Inlet; Helen Iguptak, Rankin Inlet; and Bessie Sitatak, Kugluktuk.

Nunavut’s Representative for Children and Youth tabled her office’s first annual report in the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut today. The report covers a nine-month period: June 16, 2014, when Nunavut’s first Representative for Children and Youth took office, to the end of the 2014-2015 fiscal year. The report focuses on the office’s initial planning and foundational work. This work was integral to the office opening its doors on September 30, 2015.
The Representative for Children and Youth is pleased to announce the winners of the office’s 2015 Your Story, Your Voice Contest. The 2015 contest was launched on National Child Day, November 20, 2015, and the theme for the inaugural writing contest was “the right to culture.” Entries ranged from artwork with personal statements on the right to culture to short essays. Three individual winners and one classroom participation winner were chosen by an RCY office panel from submissions from children and youth across Nunavut.

May 5, 2016 (TORONTO) - The eleven members of the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) speak out in support of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) 65th Annual Mental Health Week (May 2 to 8, 2016).

The members of the CCCYA recognize the strength and courage of those children and youth across the country facing mental health challenges. We hear from them every day and we know of the struggles they face.

Sherry McNeil-Mulak, the Representative for Children and Youth and Christa Kunuk, one of our child and youth advocacy specialists, will be in Cape Dorset from Tuesday March 29 to Friday, April 1st.

Sherry and Christa are looking forward to meeting students, the youth committee and local service providers! They also look forward to meeting members of the community and will be at the Co-op Store Tuesday, March 29 at 3pm. They want to hear right from children, youth, and families about issues that matter to the children and youth of Cape Dorset!